Yesterday I met a weird problem. The mosquitto container failed to start due to the error below: The error message indicates that process failed to allocate memory for creating 1073741816 file descriptors.
Then I traced into the mosquitto dependency called libwebsocket which raised this error. Telling from its source code, the number 1073741816 actually is the max nofile of the container. But the host systems max nofile is less than the fd value:
Theoretically, each container uses host’s max nofile by default. How come does the big value come from?
Check the max nofile value got in container. It means that the default max nofile set in container is 1073741816.
12sudo docker run --rm debian sh -c "ulimit -n"1073741816Investigate where the value comes from. There are a couple of places to set it up.
vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
1234[Service]LimitNOFILE=infinityLimitNPROC=infinityLimitCORE=infinityvim /etc/docker/daemon.json, the settings here will ovewrite the setting in docker daemon
123456789{"default-ulimits": {"nofile": {"Name": "nofile","Hard": 20000,"Soft": 20000}}}Set in docker run command like this: The configuration in command line will overwrite all the settings before.
1docker run --ulimit nofile=1024:1024 --rm debian sh -c "ulimit -n"
The root cause is that the max nofile has been set in file
as infinity. In order to overwrite the daemon config, I set the nofile in docker-comopse.yml file. And then the error was gone.1234ulimits:nofile:soft: 200000hard: 200000